v4j 2022 edition is here!

v4j is a small desktop app that you can use to learn Japanese verbs through example sentences. You start your learning journey from the most used verbs and progress your way to the ones that are rarely used.

v4j comes with over 500 verbs and 10000 sentences.

We currently have Linux, macOS, and Windows versions. When you purchase v4j, you get to download all of them.

How to use

v4j tries hard to be clutter-free and simple. It shows only a single verb and a single sentence at once. You move through verbs and example sentences using w-a-s-d or h-j-k-l keys. You can toggle English translation of the sentence by pressing e, toggle verb-highlighting by r, and go through Furigana settings by pressing f. Here are the keys that you will use:

Privacy notice

Software settings (Furigana, English, Highlighting, WindowWidth, WindowHeight) and current verb/sentence pairs are stored in a database (.v4jsettings.db file in your home directory). v4j does not collect or store any other user data.

Terms of use, disclaimer of warranty

There is no warranty for the v4j software, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the v4j software “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you (the user of v4j software). Should v4j software prove defective, you (the user of v4j software) assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.